This website is the property of ENTHALPY TRADUCCION TECNICA, S.L. with tax ID number ESB19278274, and headquartered at C/ Solán de Cabras, 8A – 19004 Guadalajara, Spain, registered in the Business Registry of Guadalajara in volume 547, book 0, Folio 187, sheet GU-8013, registration 1.

For any question or suggestion, please contact us at

This website is governed by the regulations that are exclusively applicable in Spain, and both nationals and foreigners who use this website are therefore subjected to these regulations.

Access to our website by USERS is free of charge and conditioned upon their previous complete, explicit and unreserved reading and accepting the GENERAL USE CONDITIONS that are in place at the time of access, which we ask them to read carefully. At the time they use our portal, its contents or its services, the USER accepts and explicitly subjects themselves to its general use conditions. If the user does not agree with these use conditions, they must refrain from using or operating on this portal.

We may change the presentation and settings of our website at any time, expand or reduce services, and even eliminate the website and the services and contents provided thereon from the Internet unilaterally and without prior notice.


All the contents, texts, images, trademarks and source codes are owned by us or by third parties from whom their exploitation rights have been acquired, and they are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights.

Users solely have the right to use them privately and not for profit, and explicit authorisation is needed to change, reproduce, exploit or distribute them or to exercise any right pertaining to their owner.


Access to our website is free of charge and does not require prior subscription or registration.

Sending personal data implies the USER’s explicit acceptance of our privacy policy.

The user must access our website in good faith, following the rules of public order and these General Use Conditions. Our website is accessed under the user’s own exclusive responsibility, and users shall at all times be held accountable for any damage they may cause to third parties or to ourselves.

Given the impossibility of monitoring the information, contents and services contained on other websites which may be accessed via the links that our website may make available to users, we hereby notify you that we are exempt from any responsibility for all kinds of damage which may stem from the user’s use of those websites outside our company.


Confidentiality and security are prime values at ENTHALPY TRADUCCION TECNICA, S.L., and consequently, we are committed to guaranteeing Users’ privacy at all times and not to collect unnecessary information. Below we shall provide you with all the information you need on our Privacy Policy in relation to the personal data we collect, with information on:

Who is the Data Controller of your personal data

For what purposes we collect the data we request

The legitimisation to process these data

How long we store these data

To whom we may communicate your data

Your rights

DATA CONTROLLER: see data in the heading.

PURPOSES, LEGITIMISATION AND CONSERVATION of the processing of the data sent by:

Contact form.

Purpose: To provide you with a means by which you can get in touch with us and we can respond to your information requests, as well as send you information on our products, services and activities, including by electronic means (email, text message, WhatsApp) if you tick the acceptance box.

Legitimisation: The user’s consent when requesting information via our contact form and by ticking the box to agree that the information be sent.

Storage: Once the request has been resolved via our form or the email has been answered, if the data has not been processed again. If the user has agreed to receive commercial mailings, until they request to be removed.

Emails sent.

Purpose: To respond to information requests, attend to other requests and answer your questions or doubts. If we received your Curriculum Vitae, your personal and professional data may be added to our databases so you can participate in our current and future hiring processes.

Legitimisation: The user’s consent when requesting information via the email address or sending us their data and CV to participate in our hiring processes.

Storage: Once the request via email has been answered, if the data has not been processed again. If we have received your CV, your data may be stored for at most one year for future hiring processes.

Obligation to provide us with your personal data and consequences of not doing so.

Supplying your personal data requires a minimum age of 14 or the sufficient legal capacity to engage in contracts.

The personal data requested are needed to handle your requests, to register you as a user and/or to provide any services you may contract. If you do not provide us with these data, we will not be able to properly attend to you or to provide you with the service you have requested.

In any event, we reserve the right to decide whether or not to include your personal data and other information in our databases.


Your data are confidential and shall not be given to third parties unless there is a legal obligation to do so.


Any person may withdraw their consent at any time, when it has been given to process your data. Under no circumstances will the withdrawal of this consent condition the execution of the subscription contract or the relations generated prior to that time.

Users may also exercise the following rights:

Request access to your personal data or rectification of these data when they are inaccurate.

Request that your data be erased when they are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected, among other reasons.

Request the restriction of processing of your data under certain circumstances.

Object to the processing of your data for reasons related to your particular situation.

Request the portability of the data in the cases provided for by law.

Other rights recognised in the applicable regulations.

Where and how to exercise your rights: By means of a written text addressed to the data processor at their postal or electronic address (indicated in section A), indicating “Personal Data” in the reference line and specifying the right which you wish to exercise and with regard to what personal data.

In the case of discrepancies with the company in relation to the processing of your data, you may lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Agency (

With the goal of safeguarding the security of your personal data, we hereby inform you that we have adopted all the technical and organisational measures needed to guarantee the security of the personal data you have supplied so it is not altered, lost or processed or accessed by unauthorised persons.

For us to be able to keep your personal data up-to-date, it is important that you always inform us when there has been any change in them; otherwise, we will not be held accountable for the veracity of these data.

We accept no responsibility via the privacy policy regarding personal data which may be provided to third parties via the links available on our website.

The Privacy Policy may be amended to adapt it to any changes in our website, as well as any legislative or jurisprudential changes on personal data that may appear, so this policy should be read every time you provide your data via the website.


By making this website available to users, we want to offer them a high-quality service using the utmost diligence in the provision of this service, as well as in the technological means used. However, we shall be not held responsible for the presence of viruses or other elements which may somehow damage users’ computer system.

We do not guarantee that the service is available without interruptions.

USERS are forbidden from taking any kind of action on our portal which leads to an excessive overload in the operation of our IT systems, as well as from introducing viruses or installing robots or software which alter the normal operation of our website or could cause damage to our IT systems.

USERS accept full responsibility for the use of our website.

USERS acknowledge that they have read all the information on the conditions of use of our portal and acknowledge that they are sufficient to exclude error in them, and they therefore explicitly accept them in their entirety.